” Don’t write your name on sand,
Waves will wash it away.
Don’t write your name in sky,
Wind may blow it away.
Write your name in the hearts of
People you come in touch with.”

Dear readers,

                         It gives me immense joy to address you all through the school website. Everyday is a gift from God, for what we become is a gift to God. So let us make the best out of our life.

                           We firmly believe that challenges, with their successes and failures, offer a great opportunity for growth and help children to achieve their full potential. We share the view that ‘ attempting to shield children from failure may shield them temporarily, but it will cripple them permanently, ” We try to explain that there is no shame in failure, but the shame lies in not trying again. The shield we provide is to equip them with the knowledge, skills and morality to face the challenge of an increasingly demanding world. We remain undeterred from our objectives of offering at Jesus Saviour’s School, Sirhind. Academic standards that are second to none, thus giving our students and edge in the global competition of tomorrow’s world.

                           Success in a world that is in a state of flux and where more than at any other time in history, the future is almost impossible to predict. A world in which there are no guarantee for even secure jobs or professions, at any time, the evolving technology can wipe out the need for any section of the work force. Keeping that in mind few things should be considered essential for all those who are eagerly seeking to have successful lives. We should have a deep and through acquisition of knowledge and skills . Never give up, for in life the race is not won by those who run, fastest, but by those who preserve. Work in team, as teammates do not compete; they complement each other. The Master Key to success is to set goals higher than yourself and then to achieve them. You are in the best school be worthy of it.

May God bless you and guide you to play constructive roles in your exciting journey ahead.

” Put God first and everything will work out,

  may be not the way you planned,

  but just how its meant to be “

Mr. Sajimon George